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All of The Things!

This month I have been back and forth on a lot of different things. I'm literally exhausted. I know if you are a working mom or even a stay at home mom or maybe you are not a mom at all, but you have other responsibilities that have been extremely draining for you, you're probably feeling the same exact way! You are mentally, physically maybe even spiritually exhausted. Being an adult is just A LOT of work.

I've been thinking about some things and maybe even just having pity for myself, which is very rare for me to do. Here's what I've thought, why is it so important for me to LOVE people!? Why do I always want what's best for others? Why do I ALWAYS stop what I'm doing to help everyone! Why do I care if my kids have relationships with people who don't put an effort into their lives? WHY?

Why am I so emotionless at times and so hard on my kids!? Why do I feel like my whole heart is just shattered all the time!? When am I going to get a break from feeling like I'm worthless or not good enough!? When will I be enough? Why is it so hard for me to lose weight? Why do I feel like I need acceptance from others? WHY?!

Why have I gone through hard things? Why did my dream not end the way I wanted it to? Why do I have depression? Why do I have people close to me who judge, criticize, lecture instead of love, accept and support? Why do some people not realize that their decisions will effect those around them? Why are kids not treated the same?! Why is their favorites? Why do you help the people who don't give a damn? Why do people think they are better than others? Why do people feel the need to hold onto grudges? Why!?

Here's the deal, I may have had pity on myself for the last couple weeks, but I have slowly climbed out of it and realized that it's ok! Life has not gone the way I have wanted, but only I change the direction I want my life to go. I love differently because I don't know how to love normal (is that even a thing?) I love my family and it is a huge wish of mine that one day everyone will put their differences aside and forgive! I think about how much happier my WHOLE entire family would be.

Could you imagine if everyone just put their differences aside (this goes for our Country as well) and we all just LOVED, ACCEPTED, & SUPPORTED each other! There would be NO hate! There would be NO discrimination! There would be NO pre made assumptions about people! Could you imagine if we all just got along!? Took time to ask people questions? Got to know people?

Social Media has been huge for me. I love staying in contact with people. I love watching people close to me achieve goals! Grow their families! I love encouraging people to keep their head up when they are at their all time low. BUT then again, I HATE social media and have decided it has got to go! It is not important and it does not bring happiness in my life. I will find other ways to stay in contact with people. Encourage them. Love and Support them. It may be the old fashioned way of calling or texting, but that is how it is going to be.

My hope is that everybody can just love a little more and hate a little less! If there are things within yourself that you need to clear up so you can be your best self, then take care of it. Get the help you need! Support the people who need it and love unconditionally!!!!!!!

If you are holding grudges against people discuss it! If you are being told you did something wrong, OWN IT! DO NOT make excuses or say it didn't happen! Apologize and move on! If you have hurt people - FIX it! Put your EGO's aside and get to the root of the problem and change it! Remember that words are nothing compared to your actions! Start small but move forward! (Why hold on to that FOREVER?!)

If we all were trying a little harder to be like Jesus, wouldn't we strive for perfection EVERY SINGLE DAY!? (I know that is not reality) But we should try! Today, tell someone how you feel! Smile at someone you are passing by! Encourage someone to keep going! Serve someone! DO SOMETHING to fill your heart with JOY!

If you need to have pity for yourself - DO IT and then move forward! Have you ever heard the saying there is someone who has it way worse off then you? I always disliked that saying! It may be true, however, your trial is not comparable or any less because someone is worse off! You are equally fighting to accomplish something greater! You are trying to survive, regardless if it's big or small!!!!!!

You are worth EVERYTHING! Never forget that!

cyh -


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