This week my kids have tested me to no end! Let me know what you tell your kids to help change their behavior in public or even at home. Confession in comments!
Sep 15, 2017
Girl, I have a 16 year old and almost 15 year old. Still trying to figure it out. We need a parenting 101 manual or something. It is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done. But the most rewarding for sure!
If you find any tips or tricks, help a sister out, please!
Chelsea Jackman Burkhart
Sep 15, 2017
This week was spirit week for my oldest. On Wednesday it was Superhero day! Well, this year I failed to purchase a superhero shirt. BIG MISTAKE on my part. Ryker has literally EVERY single superhero costume you can possibly think of, he even has pajamas that are superhero, but ZERO shirts. So what do you think he wanted to wear? YEP! His costume! He even got dressed all by himself. I told him he could not wear that and if he would hurry we could stop by the store and get him a shirt. YOU GUYS.... FULL OUT TANTRUM! You would have thought this kid was dying! From the house to the store, TANTRUM, I finally told him that I was calling the police man and he was going to have to come and take him away if he did not stop acting the way he did. Needless to say, he changed his attitude right around! Parenting is SO hard, the above quote was so perfect. #thethingswehavetodo#parentingfail#policeman#mightneedtoreallycallthem#reallifemomproblems
Girl, I have a 16 year old and almost 15 year old. Still trying to figure it out. We need a parenting 101 manual or something. It is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done. But the most rewarding for sure!
If you find any tips or tricks, help a sister out, please!
This week was spirit week for my oldest. On Wednesday it was Superhero day! Well, this year I failed to purchase a superhero shirt. BIG MISTAKE on my part. Ryker has literally EVERY single superhero costume you can possibly think of, he even has pajamas that are superhero, but ZERO shirts. So what do you think he wanted to wear? YEP! His costume! He even got dressed all by himself. I told him he could not wear that and if he would hurry we could stop by the store and get him a shirt. YOU GUYS.... FULL OUT TANTRUM! You would have thought this kid was dying! From the house to the store, TANTRUM, I finally told him that I was calling the police man and he was going to have to come and take him away if he did not stop acting the way he did. Needless to say, he changed his attitude right around! Parenting is SO hard, the above quote was so perfect. #thethingswehavetodo #parentingfail #policeman #mightneedtoreallycallthem #reallifemomproblems