Love, Adoption & the Pursuit of happiness
I am sure you are wondering what in the world this means. Trust me I was also at one time, I thought it meant, Can you hurry? See, I got a text one day from one of the volunteers at Group, his name is Glenn. I was running late this particular day, and when I saw that I was like wow, this guy is pretty "hip!" This was around the time all the little acronyms were coming out: lol, brb, etc... I replied and told him I was trying to get there as quickly as possible.
When I finally arrived we were talking about this and I told him that he was pretty awesome for coming up with an acronym for can you hurry!! he laughed and said, No, it means Consider yourself hugged. I was blown away by this and could not even begin to tell you how many times this little phrase has saved me in so many ways!
There are times in your life when you will feel like you are alone. You will feel like the world is against you. You will feel depressed, confused and maybe even sad and broken. But I promise you, you are not alone. Jesus Christ is standing right next to you. He is cheering you on, he is feeling your pain. He is hugging you when you feel lost, confused or broken.
This little phrase has changed my life!
Another thing that got my through the next 10 years was a simple scripture Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6, which reads: "Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy way acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." I love this scripture and go back to that every single time I have a trial I am going through.
I will use CYH a lot through out my blog and wanted to give a little insight as to what it was and how it came about in my life. I will forever be grateful for Glenn and, really, all the volunteers at LDS family services.
cyh: consider yourself hugged: A simple reminder you are not alone.